Fowler Board of Trustees
Pat Kinne, Chair
Pat is from Syracuse, NY and has been a member of the Board since 2019. He’s a former camper and staff member (1998-2001) and continues to volunteer. Pat is a teacher and administrator at Bishop Grimes Jr./Sr. High School and a member at the Reformed Church of Syracuse. He appreciates that at Fowler, no matter who you are, you are always welcome and celebrated for being the person God created you to be when you're at camp.
Jenna Cowan, Vice Chair
Jenna began her term on the Board in 2020. She spent many summers working on Staff at Fowler and now is a teacher and volleyball coach in Scotia, NY. She lives in West Glenville, NY and is a proud Fowler Parent now that her daughter is old enough to be a camper. She appreciates how grace is experienced at Fowler. She sees Fowler as the authentic example of what God means for how we should live and treat each other. Fowler allows each person to truly understand what faith and action is built on.
Rev. Tim Coombs
Tim has been a member of the Board since 2019. He is from Scotia, NY and is a Co-Pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church. Tim enjoys being a biblical storyteller and a life and career coach. He was also a former Camp Counselor. He appreciates Fowler’s emphasis on having kids live in community, without devices, connecting with nature, one another, and God.
Jonathan Dykstra
Jonathan is from Catskill, New York and he is a former camper and staff member. He’s a long time member of the Jay Gould Memorial Reformed Church in Roxbury, NY. He enjoys photography, music, and outdoor sports and he is deeply appreciative of the way Fowler has become a place to encounter experiential faith formation, as well as a place where people come together to be stewards of the world.
Jamie Ellwood
Jamie is part of three generations of Fowler Campers. Her mother attended Camp before her, and now her two oldest sons are campers. Jamie is from Vorheesville, NY where she’s a pediatric occupational therapist and owns a horse farm. To Jamie, Camp Fowler has always been synonymous with a place of belonging. She also believes it is important for youth to see that you can live each day following the Christian faith, even in this crazy world we live in.
Justan Foster
Justan began his term on the Board in 2020 and lives in North Greenbush, NY. He’s a recent graduate of Albany Law School and serves as Music Director for Greenbush Reformed Church. He has also served as an elected political party member for Rensselaer County and is past Chair for several musical education competitions and events focused on students and young professionals. He appreciates the ability of Camp Fowler to impact lives and our world while being rooted in God’s peace and beauty.
Nicole Gentile
Nicole started her term on the Board in 2020. She’s a member at Bellevue Reformed Church where she also serves as chair/founder of the church’s Little Free Food Pantry. She is currently an Associate at Hunger Solutions New York and lives in Schenectady. She appreciates that Camp Fowler gives children and young adults a safe space to be authentic and know that they are loved deeply.
Jim Gunty
Jim represents the Property Committee on the Board of Trustees and he has been a member since 2021. Jim is from Delmar, NY and he is a member at Journey United Church of Christ. He still has a paint brush in hand, but is slowing down now. Fowler has been a big part of his volunteer life for the past 20 years and he can often be found planting tress on the property. Jim is an invaluable asset to our Board and our Property Committee. He appreciates Fowler’s efforts to be inclusive.
Emmy Katz
Emmy lives in Saratoga with her family and joined the Board in 2020. She’s a former camper and staff member who relocated back to the area to start a family while working as a medical provider in Saratoga. She’s a mom of twins (and future campers!), Cedar and Jo. She appreciates that no matter where you have been or how long you have been gone, the Fowler Community welcomes you home.
Rev. Heather Kramer
Heather has been volunteering at Camp Fowler and coming up for retreats for the past 20 years. She’s the pastor of Bellevue Reformed Church in Schenectady and in her spare time she enjoys crafting; making cards, needle felting, painting, and beading. She also loves to read and kayak. She loves being a part of Camp Fowler for many reasons, but above all, she appreciates that Camp is a place where all are welcome. And all means all, with no exceptions.
Beth Luck
Beth is part of the community in St. Johnsville, NY and she knew Mrs. Fowler when she was a young girl. She has been a camper, a volunteer, and now is thrilled to be a part of the Board of Trustees. A now retired banker, she enjoys riding horses, crocheting and sewing lap quilts for nursing homes, and spending time with her granddaughters, especially at Camp. Beth came to her faith as a camper many years ago and knows first hand that Fowler is a safe place for everyone that comes. It feels like home.
Dawn Olson
Dawn is a Staff Alumni and yearly cabin counselor at Camp Fowler. She worked on staff from 1985-1988 and 1990-1996. She’s Aunt to four nieces and nephews who have attended Camp Fowler. Dawn lives in Claverack, NY where she is a National Park Service education park ranger. She attends Second Reformed Church of Claverack in Philmont. She appreciates that Fowler is a place where love for Jesus and for others is visible.
Rev. Sarah Palsma
Sarah grew up in Syracuse, NY, and is a former camper and staff member. She currently serves as Co-Pastor of New Hope Church in Powell, OH, and joined the board in 2024. Sarah continues to share the songs, stories, and values she learned at Camp Fowler in her various ministry contexts. She deeply appreciates that Camp Fowler is a place where children, youth, and adults of all ages and backgrounds can experience a peace that surpasses understanding and discover how to be peacemakers in our world today.
Aaron Ray
Aaron began his term with the Board in 2020. He lives in Clinton, NY and works in the Higher Education Opportunity Program at Hamilton College. He has volunteered with college access organizations like Opportunity Network, CACNY, and College for Every Student. He appreciates that the moment you return to Camp or see friends you made at Camp, you instantly feel right at home.
Rev. Barbara VanOlpen
As a pastor in the NY conference of the United Church of Christ (UCC), Barabara represents Fowler’s partners in the NY Conference on the Board of Trustees. She has sent I sent several students to Camp Fowler over the years and has seen how their camp experience was undeniably formative in their faith development. Particularly in the summer, Barbara loves to get outside by hiking, boating, and SCUBA diving.